Four Ways to Achieve Job Satisfaction


Over the years, we’ve encountered a number of people who go to work, day after day, feeling unsatisfied or stuck.  If we had a penny for the number of times we’ve heard, “My job is ok, but I don’t want to do this for the rest of my life.”

It’s not uncommon to spend 1/3 of your life at work.  And, of course, we only have one life, so why not find satisfaction at work?  As career coaches, we often talk to clients who are ready for a change, but don’t know where to begin to find the career they love. 

It’s important that you know what you want to do. Sounds so easy!  But, for many, it’s not.  In the fast-paced world in which we live combined with the never-ending access to information and ideas, it’s almost impossible not to become quickly overwhelmed.

Here’s some great news: 

You DO know what you want to do!  You just might not know (at this very moment) how to get to it!  But it’s in you, and with some focus, you can find it.

Here are four steps you can take today to find job satisfaction this year.

1. Start or enhance your lifelong learning

Learning can come in so many forms.  The sky’s the limit.  The important thing is to keep your mind open to new ideas, new concepts, new methodologies, new ways of doing business, new science or math.  When something comes along that really spikes your interest, go deeper.  Learn as much as you can.  Discover what opportunities exist that are related to the topics you explore.

Of course, you may come across something you’re passionate about, but it won’t pay the bills.  This is the time to ask yourself if you could be satisfied with a new hobby.  If not, keep your mind open for the next thing that might come along.

Even if you’re in a job you love, lifelong learning is no less important.  It is a lifestyle that will help you throughout your career and will stay with you long after your working years, and will ensure you keep on living in retirement. 

2. Tell Others

To the extent you feel comfortable, talk to other people about your journey.  Tell them what you’re up to and seek input.  Look in unlikely places for opportunities to meet new people doing interesting things. 

If you are clear about what you want to do next, seek out people who are currently doing a similar job and build relationships, ask questions and maybe even request to shadow them at work.  Look for hiring managers and set up time to discuss your dreams.  When you do this, be ready to tell your story and make them understand why you want to explore the new thing. 

Remember first impressions will last a very long time.

3. Find a Mentor

Regardless of the circumstances of your job, it’s important to have one or more trusted mentors to help guide you along your way.  These supporters will shepherd you and offer guidance throughout all the stages of your career.  They will help you prepare for the big moments, and keep you honest when there are opportunities for improvement.  They are trusted confidents who do not have any direct control over your performance ratings but will support you confidentially in good times and bad.

Take great care when selecting a mentor.  Be sure the person you select is well positioned to support you based on their understanding of your role.  Ensure your communication styles align and that you’re willing to take honest, constructive feedback from them.  Learn from their experience and take their advice to heart.

4. Invest in Yourself

Take time to do the work that will build your confidence and change your mindset.

So many people, especially women, go about their busy lives and look up one day only to realize they’re not where they want to be in their career.  When considering options many find themselves feeling stuck.  A myriad of very real roadblocks immediately come to mind: 

  • I have no experience.

  • I feel a sense of obligation to stay in my current role.

  • I don’t meet 100% of the job requirements.

  • I’ll never find a job making the same salary.

  • I only know about my current line of work.

  • I lack the skills needed to do the work that interests me.

  • I’m in the wrong industry.

  • I’ve never managed a team and don’t know how.

  • They’ll never pick someone “my age.”

  • I’m too old to change now.

  • I don’t want to cause disruption at home or work.

The list goes on and on, and more often than not, they do nothing.  More time passes.  And one day, the same feeling overtakes them, except this time, it’s stronger and produces more anxiety.  And then, the same excuses arise, only this time, the feelings are more magnified, and they feel more stuck than ever before!

Why not invest in yourself?  Take classes.  Get that degree you’ve always wanted.  Take a sabbatical to explore new opportunities.  Get to know yourself in a whole new light - at this place and stage of life, whatever it may be.

If you’re young, it’s a perfect time to create tools and techniques that will carry you through your career.  For those who’ve worked a number of years, why wait any longer?  It’s never too late!


Career Coaching is an amazing resource available to everyone all over the globe. There are many certified coaches that are trained and equip to help you work through your fears, determine what’s most important to you and help you define a path to get to the place you want to be. Often, you don’t even have to change jobs but rather focus on making your current job what you want it to be. 

At Chapter You, we spend quality time with our clients equipping them with many tools and techniques to ensure they’re ready to build the career they love, regardless of their circumstances. 

Contact Chapter You coaches by clicking here.