What You Can Expect From Your Chapter You Experience

We will walk you through a personalized journey that results in ultimate clarity. Each week builds, allowing you to have a deeper understanding about yourself and your professional journey.


1. Self Assessment

The Chapter You coaching program begins with a detailed look at what makes you, you. We will start by diving into your values, and how you may feel stuck in your career. Then, you’ll take your first look at your vision of success for your life. 


2. Establishing Confidence + Vision Casting

Building on your strengths, skills and passions will be a key to your success. It is common to struggle when identifying these important foundational elements, but we will partner with you to ensure you create clarity and confidence in yourself.

Awareness is key when it comes to your stumbling blocks and barriers. We’ll go there with you, but will move on quickly and build on your strengths.

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3. Clarifying Your Success

Who do you want to see when you look in the mirror? When you learn how to appropriately see yourself and your new circumstances in relation to your goals, things start to get real and movement begins.

Dreaming big is a learned skill and it can even be about very small things. That’s exactly what you’ll discover as you get more curious and build on your self-confidence!


4. Relationship Matrix & Network

You can’t succeed by yourself. You need people in front of and behind you. 

We’ll show you how to re-frame your thinking about networking to ensure you have the support you need.  And, you’ll crystalize your personal brand and value statement to get those career conversations going strong.

One of the opportunities we see most under-utilized today is the value of mentors and sponsors. Who can you go to for guidance along the way? Who is in your corner? Who will represent you at the table when you’re not in the room to represent yourself? We’ll walk you through the process to engage the right people for your personal advisory board.


“My Chapter You experience was amazing.

Rich content, personal interactions and authentic feedback provided a framework which helped me identify my dreams and potential, prioritize career next steps and believe in myself. ”

- Kelly (Chapter you Alumni)


5. Career Analysis & Alignment

New ideas pop into your mind every day, but you often miss them, or minimize the potential impact they could have on your future. At Chapter You, we won’t let any idea get past you. With our tools and exercises, you’ll find ways to stay curious, dream big, and constantly explore.

Being curious and staying in touch with what motivates you in your career are important elements we’ll explore together.


6. Your Professional Roadmap

Together, we will celebrate BIG as your hard work culminates with your Personal Career Roadmap. 

Your Career Roadmap combines data, assessments, findings from your coaching sessions, a culmination of notes from videos, readings, and the impact of conversations. It becomes your guide for your future.

You’ll now have the CY Network for support, accountability and even deeper dives into what makes you, you!


Get a Sample of The Chapter You Curriculum & See what your coach may assign to you one week.