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Alyssa’s Story: Having graduated cum laude in Marketing at UGA, Alyssa's life-long dream had finally come true! Soon after, she faced some unexpected turn of events that delayed her job search. By then, many friends had landed positions, and the playing field began to feel a bit lonely. She found Chapter You through Dunwoody’s (The AHA! Connection) and joined the May 2019 class. She took full advantage of the multi-generational group and CY curriculum to jumpstart her search. She sought and followed her coach's advice with career conversations, and through her self-discovery process, she created her personal Career Roadmap. As a result, she landed her dream job at an incredible company in her hometown of ATL, the 404! And she’s thrilled!
Shelley's story: After many years in the same job, Shelley was ready for a change, but didn’t know where to begin. As a mom, she had willingly and gratefully poured herself into her family, while also working two part-time jobs she loved. Feeling it was time to move on but feeling stuck in her comfort zone, Shelley found Chapter You in Dunwoody’s The Aha! Connection and decided it was her time! The Chapter You, LLC experience gave her the freedom to dream big and realize that she had the power to pursue new career opportunities. She battled and conquered her resume, started engaging in career conversations and quickly found a new job that she LOVES!
Jessie's Story: Before Chapter You, LLC, she was searching for something in her career, but couldn’t put her finger on it. She fully immersed herself in the CY curriculum and consistently engaged in class discussions. Each week, she was diligent about reaching out to her fellow classmates and was touched by every person’s story. Through the 6-week process, she found herself again and regained confidence that she had lost somewhere along the way. To see her face light up week after week, and to hear the self-assurance build in her voice was a highlight of the inaugural class of Chapter You!
Sharon's Story: She's a gifted graphic artist who worked for the same company for many years. Her employer unexpectedly moved out of the US, and she found herself in the job market and feeling a bit overwhelmed with the decision of which way to steer her career.
A mutual friend connected her with the CY coaches, and she jumped into the 6-week class with great enthusiasm! She absorbed the material and grew emotionally and professionally from the shared experiences with other women in her group.
By the end of the class, she was no longer pivoting and was able to make a firm decision to go out on her own and start her design business. She has since generated more work than she ever expected and is challenging herself professionally daily.
Through the CY process, the camaraderie of the other women, and the advice of her coaches, she found her voice!
Niki's Story: Knowing she was ready for a change, Niki felt a bit trapped by her resume. It didn’t feel right, yet, and it was keeping her from fully engaging in mapping out her next career steps.
She was looking for help and ran across a post about Chapter You, LLC in Plywood People’s Friday Five email, and ended up joining the September 2019 class.
She dedicated herself to the process of self-discovery through group discussions, 1-on-1 coaching sessions, engagement with the other women and complete dedication to the exercises in the CY curriculum.
Before long, she made peace with her resume, engaged with a recruiter and found THE PERFECT job! She did all the work and it paid off!
Pam’s Story: Being a small business owner is very rewarding but can also be demanding and exhausting. Pam was excited about the opportunity to eliminate some of her stress by merging her company with another related business but wasn’t sure where to begin.
Through a referral from a Dunwoody, Ga neighbor, she found Chapter You, LLC The CY coaches walked side-by-side with her as she went through a meticulous process of creating and evaluating a business case.
In the end, the case wasn’t compelling enough to take the risk, so she decided to forgo the opportunity. She was very confident with her decision and continues her Chapter You coaching as she develops her 2020 business plan.
Marian's Story: Having recently completed an education degree, Marian came to Chapter You as she was determining her next career steps. She was ready for a deep, engaging experience and quickly immersed herself in the CY curriculum.
During the six-weeks, she traveled to Spain for an extended visit with family and she joined via video at 1am Spain-time!! Talk about dedication!
Throughout her journey, Marian soaked in the exercises, readings, and wonderful class discussions. She followed her coaches' guidance and invested time in more career conversations.
By the end, she gained the clarity she was seeking and took a few risks. Now, she’s working in a school she loves and is looking forward to continued growth in her career!
Lauren’s Story: Lauren joined Chapter You, LLC at a time in her life when she wasn’t planning for a significant change. She’s a mom of two precious little ones and works part-time at a marketing firm.
It turns out; the class ended up being a life-affirming experience for her. She hadn’t taken time recently to recognize her strengths and process her career path choices thus far.
Her Chapter You, LLC experience changed all that, and she ended her six weeks with a renewed sense of purpose and rediscovered passions.
Lisa’s Story: In Her Own Words: "I am a proud Charter Alumni of Chapter You, LLC! I started the class feeling mostly tentative about an idea of entering the blogosphere with my new website, www.MyBirdsong.com. I had a right to be tentative: As a sixty-year-old introverted muckety-muck from corporate America, doing something outside my wheelhouse seemed risky.
What if I’m too old to learn something new? What if my passion for sharing the written word was just a fly by night crazy idea? I ended Chapter You with big dreams, a roadmap on how to get there, and newfound courage to go after them."
Since then, Lisa has become a successful blogger and even blogged about CY! www.MyBirdsong.com is a beautiful place to stop by for inspiration, book recommendations and a whole lot more!
She closed her CY piece by saying "The way I see it…there’s everything to gain with Chapter You and nothing to lose. Failure is only a guardrail for helping me get to the next step."
Lisa's Chapter You BLOG: https://www.mybirdsong.com/blog/chirping-about-chapter-you-spread-your-wings
Kelly’s Story: When Kelly joined the inaugural class of Chapter You, she was extremely happy in her corporate role, wasn’t planning a major career change or feeling particularly stuck. She actually joined to support the CY coaches.
That said, she jumped right in and fully participated from start to finish. She engaged with the nine other women in her class and worked hard to complete the self-reflective exercises.
Through the process, she discovered some things about herself that she wasn’t expecting and she was able to map out a few ideas of things outside of work that would bring her joy. At the end, there were three major items on her “Ultimate Life List” that she was excited about exploring more seriously.
And by taking the time to evaluate her strengths, skills, passions and values, she walked away feeling more confident than she had prior to Chapter You.
Theresa's Story: Having worked in the entertainment industry for many years, Theresa wanted to transition to a corporate role but wasn’t sure she'd be seen as fully qualified. Those limiting beliefs were shouting at her!
Through her Chapter You, LLC experience, she changed her mindset and began to believe in herself (which she should because she’s awesome!) She landed a great job and quickly made a positive impression on her leaders and peers.
Even though she HAD the job, she was concerned she didn’t have a “network” That was very important to her. Over the years, she developed a wide circle of mentors, sponsors and peers in her entertainment roles, but was starting over and didn't have clarity she needed to begin.
Through group and 1x1 coaching, she began to build on her strengths of helping others and her excellent communication skills, and was able to redefine her mental definition of “networking.” Her quality of work spoke for itself and it wasn’t long before her network began to grow. She’s killing it in her role!
Theresa has been a huge supporter of Chapter You and even brought another colleague from the entertainment industry into the CY family. Stayed tuned to hear more about that story!
Jenny's Story: Following in her friend Theresa’s footsteps, Jenny joined Chapter You, LLC in May. Like many, her first challenge was to deal with limiting beliefs. Jenny is extremely talented but struggled to believe that her experience in the entertainment industry would translate to corporate America.
She didn’t let that stop her. She completely immersed herself into the experience. She quickly realized that each woman’s story was different, yet there was a thread of consistency across all. Hearing that, she took full advantage of the opportunity to connect with everyone, which made for a rich experience.
In her words: "Chapter You changed the way I understood "dreaming." I thought it was a silly word engraved on decorative garden rocks, a fleeting, amorphous wish carelessly cast into the universe. Dreaming, to me, was reserved for other people; not me.” It didn’t take long for her thinking to shift and she found the confidence to dream BIG!
Jenny tackled her resume right away and took all the feedback from her CY coaches. She was more than ready for a change in her career and she worked hard to make it happen. Shortly after the class ended, she landed a fantastic job at a Fortune 10 company that she loves!!!